Albania |
Environmental laws and enforcement, Poverty, Tax revenue, Refugees per capita, Number of doctors |
Algeria |
Number of doctors, Renewable energy production, Public health expenditure, GNI per capita, Unemployment gender equality |
Angola |
Protected area, Population growth rate, Mortality from poor air quality, Forest change, Threatened mammals |
Argentina |
Poverty, Public expenditure on R&D, Personal computers, Environmental laws and enforcement, Tax revenue |
Armenia |
Poverty, Forest change, Threatened reptiles, GNI per capita, Unemployment |
Australia |
Protected area, Poverty, Desertification of land, Gini index, Forest change |
Austria |
Immunization against measles, Immunization against DPT, Protected area, Forest change, Municipal waste generation |
Azerbaijan |
Public wastewater treatment plants, Protected area, Population growth rate, Water withdrawals, GNI per capita |
Bangladesh |
Poverty, Tax revenue, Population growth rate, Protected area, Public wastewater treatment plants |
Belarus |
Tax revenue, Environmental laws and enforcement, Renewable energy production, GNI per capita, GDP implicit deflator |
Belgium |
Imports, Pesticide consumption, Renewable energy production, Water withdrawals, GDP implicit deflator |
Benin |
Renewable energy production, Population growth rate, Forest change, Glass recycling, Paper recycling |
Bolivia |
Poverty, Personal computers, Public expenditure on R&D, Environmental laws and enforcement, Internet users |
Botswana |
Renewable energy production, Desertification of land, Protected area, Forest change, Forest area |
Brazil |
Poverty, Public expenditure on R&D, Tax revenue, Personal computers, Environmental laws and enforcement |
Bulgaria |
Protected area, Public wastewater treatment plants, Nuclear waste generation, Threatened mammals, Renewable energy production |
Burkina_Faso |
Protected area, Mortality from poor air quality, Population growth rate, Forest change, Primary education teaching staff |
Burundi |
Poverty, Environmental laws and enforcement, Refugees per capita, Secondary net school enrollment, Primary education teaching staff |
C_African_R |
Poverty, Refugees per capita, Tax revenue, Primary education teaching staff, Secondary education teaching staff |
Cambodia |
Population growth rate, Poverty, Glass recycling, Paper recycling, Forest change |
Cameroon |
Population growth rate, Mortality from poor air quality, Urban TSP concentration, Protected area, Poverty |
Canada |
GDP implicit deflator, Exports, Foreign direct investments, Unemployment gender equality, Tax revenue |
Chad |
Mortality from poor air quality, Protected area, Urban TSP concentration, Urban NO2 concentration, Desertification of land |
Chile |
Protected area, Glass recycling, Desertification of land, Forest change, Fertilizer consumption |
China |
Environmental laws and enforcement, Public wastewater treatment plants, Fertilizer consumption, Tax revenue, Public health expenditure |
Colombia |
Public wastewater treatment plants, Poverty, Pesticide consumption, Fertilizer consumption, Tax revenue |
Congo |
Secondary education teaching staff, Poverty, Tax revenue, HIV/AIDS prevalence, Knowledge Economy Index |
Cote_d'Ivoire |
Protected area, Population growth rate, Urban TSP concentration, Forest change, Glass recycling |
Croatia |
Environmental laws and enforcement, Public expenditure on R&D, Refugees per capita, Poverty, Personal computers |
Czech_Rep. |
GNI per capita, Unemployment gender equality, GDP implicit deflator, Imports, Poverty |
DR_Congo |
Tax revenue, Refugees per capita, Poverty, Environmental laws and enforcement, Imports |
Denmark |
Protected area, Municipal waste generation, Paper recycling, Forest change, Glass recycling |
Ecuador |
Poverty, Environmental laws and enforcement, GNI per capita, Military spending, Public health expenditure |
Egypt |
Poverty, GNI per capita, Unemployment gender equality, GDP implicit deflator, Unemployment |
El_Salvador |
Poverty, Forest change, GNI per capita, Urban NO2 concentration, Protected area |
Estonia |
Renewable energy production, BOD emissions, Greenhouse gas emissions per capita, Ozone-depleting substances per capita, Forest change |
Ethiopia |
Poverty, GNI per capita, GDP implicit deflator, Unemployment gender equality, Tertiary education teaching staff |
Finland |
Protected area, Forest change, Municipal waste generation, Nuclear waste generation, Paper recycling |
France |
Gini index, Foreign direct investments, Corruption Perception Index, Environmental laws and enforcement, Exports |
Gabon |
Poverty, Tax revenue, Secondary net school enrollment, Knowledge Economy Index, HIV/AIDS prevalence |
Gambia |
Poverty, GNI per capita, Number of doctors, Maternal mortality rate, Immunization against measles |
Georgia |
Poverty, Environmental laws and enforcement, GNI per capita, Unemployment, Daily per capita calorie supply |
Germany |
Forest change, Protected area, Municipal waste generation, Metals concentration, Public wastewater treatment plants |
Ghana |
Poverty, GNI per capita, GDP implicit deflator, Environmental laws and enforcement, Public wastewater treatment plants |
Greece |
Exports, Poverty, GNI per capita, Unemployment, Unemployment gender equality |
Guatemala |
Poverty, Urban NO2 concentration, Daily per capita calorie supply, Hospital beds, Immunization against DPT |
Guinea |
Primary education teaching staff, Poverty, Urban TSP concentration, Exports, Unemployment gender equality |
Guinea_Bis. |
Secondary education teaching staff, Poverty, Primary education teaching staff, GDP implicit deflator, GNI per capita |
Hondura |
Public wastewater treatment plants, Urban TSP concentration, Protected area, Forest change, Poverty |
Hungary |
Protected area, Public wastewater treatment plants, Glass recycling, Forest change, Hazardous waste generation |
India |
Population growth rate, Poverty, Protected area, Glass recycling, Tax revenue |
Indonesia |
Phosphorus concentration, Population growth rate, Protected area, Renewable energy production, Forest change |
Iran |
Renewable energy production, Hazardous waste generation, Public wastewater treatment plants, Population growth rate, Desertification of land |
Ireland |
Gini index, Imports, Unemployment, Unemployment gender equality, Protected area |
Israel |
Renewable energy production, Corruption Perception Index, Population growth rate, Glass recycling, Paper recycling |
Italy |
Protected area, Glass recycling, Forest change, Paper recycling, Municipal waste generation |
Japan |
Protected area, Fertilizer consumption, Renewable energy production, Forest change, Paper recycling |
Jordan |
Tax revenue, Poverty, Military spending, Environmental laws and enforcement, Personal computers |
Kazakhstan |
Population growth rate, Protected area, Public wastewater treatment plants, Glass recycling, Paper recycling |
Kenya |
Poverty, HIV/AIDS prevalence, Personal computers, GDP implicit deflator, Unemployment |
Kuwait |
Number of doctors, Environmental laws and enforcement, Public health expenditure, Tax revenue, Hospital beds |
Kyrgyzstan |
Poverty, Military spending, GNI per capita, GDP implicit deflator, Imports |
Laos |
Public wastewater treatment plants, Poverty, GNI per capita, GDP implicit deflator, Environmental laws and enforcement |
Latvia |
Protected area, Glass recycling, BOD emissions, Forest change, Public wastewater treatment plants |
Lebanon |
Public wastewater treatment plants, Protected area, Population growth rate, Poverty, Immunization against DPT |
Lithuania |
Protected area, Forest change, Glass recycling, BOD emissions, Paper recycling |
FYRMacedonia |
Poverty, Environmental laws and enforcement, Refugees per capita, GNI per capita, Unemployment |
Madagascar |
Urban TSP concentration, Population growth rate, Poverty, Mortality from poor air quality, Protected area |
Malawi |
Poverty, Tax revenue, Environmental laws and enforcement, Number of doctors, Primary education teaching staff |
Malaysia |
Fertilizer consumption, Public expenditure on R&D, Imports, Personal computers, GDP implicit deflator |
Mali |
Mortality from poor air quality, Protected area, Threatened fishes, Renewable energy production, Desertification of land |
Mauritania |
Poverty, GNI per capita, Refugees per capita, Tax revenue, Environmental laws and enforcement |
Mexico |
Poverty, Tax revenue, GNI per capita, Protected area, Population growth rate |
Moldova |
Life expectancy, Immunization against measles, Protected area, GNI per capita, Imports |
Mongolia |
Poverty, GDP implicit deflator, GNI per capita, Public health expenditure, Imports |
Morocco |
Protected area, Public wastewater treatment plants, Personal computers, Knowledge Economy Index, Public expenditure on R&D |
Mozambique |
Urban TSP concentration, Protected area, Population growth rate, Poverty, Forest change |
Namibia |
Poverty, Number of doctors, Access to improved sanitation, Environmental laws and enforcement, Public health expenditure |
Nepal |
Poverty, Knowledge Economy Index, Environmental laws and enforcement, Tax revenue, Malaria cases |
Netherlands |
Protected area, Pesticide consumption, Renewable energy production, Metals concentration, Phosphorus concentration |
New_Zealand |
Gini index, Environmental laws and enforcement, Greenhouse gas emissions per capita, Ozone-depleting substances per capita, Poverty |
Nicaragua |
Poverty, Environmental laws and enforcement, Knowledge Economy Index, Number of doctors, GNI per capita |
Niger |
Public wastewater treatment plants, Population growth rate, Municipal waste generation, Desertification of land, Glass recycling |
Nigeria |
Urban TSP concentration, Mortality from poor air quality, Protected area, Forest change, Forest area |
Norway |
Protected area, Municipal waste generation, Forest change, Threatened mammals, Population growth rate |
Oman |
Public wastewater treatment plants, Renewable energy production, Fertilizer consumption, Water withdrawals, Desertification of land |
Pakistan |
Phosphorus concentration, Water withdrawals, Population growth rate, Municipal waste generation, Tax revenue |
Panama |
Poverty, Tax revenue, Corruption Perception Index, Gini index, Immunization against DPT |
Papua_N.G. |
Population growth rate, Protected area, Threatened mammals, Poverty, GNI per capita |
Paraguay |
Poverty, Environmental laws and enforcement, GNI per capita, GDP implicit deflator, Unemployment gender equality |
Peru |
Protected area, Poverty, GDP implicit deflator, GNI per capita, Population growth rate |
Philippines |
Population growth rate, Urban TSP concentration, Poverty, Glass recycling, Paper recycling |
Poland |
GNI per capita, Poverty, Glass recycling, GDP implicit deflator, Unemployment |
Portugal |
GNI per capita, Environmental laws and enforcement, Protected area, Corruption Perception Index, Public wastewater treatment plants |
Romania |
Poverty, Immunization against DPT, GNI per capita, GDP implicit deflator, Public health expenditure |
Russia |
Public wastewater treatment plants, Protected area, Hazardous waste generation, Nuclear waste generation, Urban NO2 concentration |
Rwanda |
Poverty, Environmental laws and enforcement, Refugees per capita, Tax revenue, Number of doctors |
Saudi_Arabia |
Renewable energy production, Public health expenditure, Number of doctors, Poverty, Public expenditure on R&D |
Senegal |
Poverty, Public wastewater treatment plants, Environmental laws and enforcement, Personal computers, Immunization against DPT |
Sierra_Leone |
Mortality from poor air quality, Protected area, Population growth rate, Urban TSP concentration, Forest change |
Slovakia |
Forest change, Public wastewater treatment plants, Protected area, Glass recycling, Threatened reptiles |
Slovenia |
GNI per capita, Poverty, Foreign direct investments, Corruption Perception Index, Protected area |
South_Africa |
Renewable energy production, Public wastewater treatment plants, Protected area, Threatened amphibians, Public health expenditure |
South_Korea |
Protected area, Ozone-depleting substances per capita, Pesticide consumption, Paper recycling, Fertilizer consumption |
Spain |
Tax revenue, Environmental laws and enforcement, Gini index, Protected area, Unemployment |
Sri_Lanka |
Public wastewater treatment plants, Threatened plants, Fertilizer consumption, GDP implicit deflator, GNI per capita |
Sudan |
Tertiary education teaching staff, Poverty, GNI per capita, Unemployment gender equality, GDP implicit deflator |
Sweden |
Protected area, Forest change, Paper recycling, Nuclear waste generation, Municipal waste generation |
Switzerland |
Protected area, Forest change, Municipal waste generation, Paper recycling, Population growth rate |
Syria |
Public wastewater treatment plants, Protected area, Water withdrawals, Population growth rate, Renewable energy production |
Tajikistan |
Hazardous waste generation, Population growth rate, Protected area, Threatened fishes, Desertification of land |
Tanzania |
Poverty, GNI per capita, Tax revenue, GDP implicit deflator, Public wastewater treatment plants |
Thailand |
GNI per capita, Unemployment, GDP implicit deflator, Protected area, Number of doctors |
Togo |
Public wastewater treatment plants, Protected area, Forest change, Mortality from poor air quality, Metals concentration |
Tunisia |
Renewable energy production, Protected area, Desertification of land, Personal computers, Number of doctors |
Turkey |
Poverty, Personal computers, GDP implicit deflator, GNI per capita, Environmental laws and enforcement |
Renewable energy production, Ozone-depleting substances per capita, Greenhouse gas emissions per capita, Fertilizer consumption, Water withdrawals |
Uganda |
Poverty, Urban TSP concentration, Mortality from poor air quality, GNI per capita, Threatened fishes |
UK |
Exports, Poverty, Gini index, Environmental laws and enforcement, GDP implicit deflator |
Ukraine |
Protected area, Public wastewater treatment plants, Threatened reptiles, Forest change, Threatened fishes |
Uruguay |
Poverty, Exports, Unemployment gender equality, GDP implicit deflator, GNI per capita |
Protected area, Greenhouse gas emissions per capita, Renewable energy production, Municipal waste generation, Glass recycling |
Uzbekistan |
Tax revenue, Poverty, Protected area, Environmental laws and enforcement, Hazardous waste generation |
Venezuela |
Poverty, GNI per capita, Public expenditure on R&D, Immunization against DPT, Environmental laws and enforcement |
Vietnam |
Public wastewater treatment plants, Protected area, Threatened mammals, Glass recycling, Paper recycling |
Yemen |
Military spending, Exports, Tertiary education teaching staff, Maternal mortality rate, Infant mortality rate |
Zambia |
HIV/AIDS prevalence, Maternal mortality rate, Number of doctors, Environmental laws and enforcement, Knowledge Economy Index |
Zimbabwe |
Poverty, Daily per capita calorie supply, Environmental laws and enforcement, Public wastewater treatment plants, Life expectancy |