
To make indicators comparable and to facilitate analysis, the data are normalized by assigning the value 0 to the least desirable indicator values and the value 1 to the most desirable indicator values or targets, which are determined by experts, standards, laws, etc.

For example, HIV/AIDS prevalence rate per cent of population had a maximum value of 23.4% over all countries in 2011 (most recent data). Given its significant potential for rapid spread, even a value of 2% for this indicator is considered to be very bad. The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS provides an upper bound of 0.9% on the average HIV prevalence rate (UNAIDS 2007). The least desirable value is chosen as twice the upper bound. All HIV/AIDS prevalence rates greater than or equal to 1.8% are assigned the value 0. The rate 0%, which is the target for this indicator, corresponds to 1.

Let c be an indicator and zc its value for the country whose sustainability we want to assess. The target of c can be a single value Tc or an interval on the real line of the form [τc, Tc] representing a range of equally desirable values for the indicator. Least desirable values can be sole points or sets of values below or above some critical threshold. Critical values are denoted υc and Uc, so that all values zc ≤ υc or zc ≥ Uc are assigned a normalized value 0.

In practice υc is the minimum value of zc over all countries under examination and Uc its maximum. In some cases though we choose these numbers differently. For example, we have UAIDS = 1.8% whereas the maximum HIV/AIDS prevalence rate worldwide is 23.4%. Thus, if an indicator must be at most equal to Tc to be sustainable, then we have the case of Fig. 2. Here we do not need υc and τc. An HIV/AIDS prevalence rate of 0.9% is assigned the normalized value 0.5 because it is halfway between the target 0% and the critical threshold 1.8% of least desirable values.

Normalization by linear interpolation: smaller is better (SB).
Fig. 2. Normalization by linear interpolation: smaller is better (SB).

Similarly, if an indicator must be at least equal to τc to be sustainable, we have the case of Fig. 3 and we do not need Tc and Uc.

Normalization by linear interpolation: larger is better (LB).
Fig. 3. Normalization by linear interpolation: larger is better (LB).

Finally, if an indicator must lie in [τc, Tc] to be sustainable, then we have the full diagram of Fig. 4.

Normalization by linear interpolation: nominal is best (NB).
Fig. 4. Normalization by linear interpolation: nominal is best (NB).

A normalized value xc for zc is calculated as follows:

\[{x_c} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}0&{{z_c} \le {\upsilon _c}}\\{\frac{{{z_c} - {\upsilon _c}}}{{{\tau _c} - {\upsilon _c}}}}&{{\upsilon _c} < {z_c} < {\tau _c}}\\1&{{\tau _c} \le {z_c} \le {T_c}}\\{\frac{{{U_c} - {z_c}}}{{{U_c} - {T_c}}}}&{{T_c} < {z_c} < {U_c}}\\0&{{U_c} \le {z_c}}\end{array}} \right.\]

The target and least desirable values for each indicator are given in the following table.

Table 1. Basic indicators used in the SAFE 2013 model (Table 1 of Grigoroudis et al. (2013); ©2013 by Elsevier; used with permission)
Component Basic Indicator Typea Thresholdsb,c
aSB = smaller is better; LB = larger is better; NB = nominal is best.
bυ, τ, T, and U are thresholds of target (sustainable) and unsustainable values. Values in the interval [τ, T] are assigned the sustainability index 1. Values ≤ υ or ≥ U indicate poor performance and are assigned the sustainability index 0. Values in (υ, τ) or (T, U) are scaled in (0, 1) by linear interpolation.
cSources of indicator data:
PR(LAND) Municipal waste (kg per capita per year) SB T = 300.0, U = 817.5
PR(LAND) Nuclear waste (tons per capita per year) SB T = 0, U = 0.0593
PR(LAND) Hazardous waste (tons per capita per year) SB T = 0, U = 1.0881
PR(LAND) Population growth rate (percent) SB T = 0, U = 1.2
PR(LAND) Pesticide consumption (kg per hectare) SB T = 3.22, U = 8.00
PR(LAND) Fertilizer consumption (kg per hectare) SB T = 162.471, U = 477.333
ST(LAND) Desertification of land (percent of dryland area) SB T = 0, U = 100
ST(LAND) Forest area (percent of what existed in 2000) LB υ = 0, τ = 100
RE(LAND) Forest change (annual rate) LB υ = -0.0690, τ = 0.0257
RE(LAND) Protected area (percent of total land area) LB υ = 0.2592, τ = 53.7527
RE(LAND) Glass recycling (percent of apparent consumption) LB υ = 0, τ = 100
RE(LAND) Paper recycling LB υ = 0, τ = 100
PR(WATER) Pesticide consumption (kg per hectare) SB T = 3.22, U = 8.00
PR(WATER) Fertilizer consumption (kg per hectare) SB T = 162.471, U = 477.333
PR(WATER) Water withdrawals (percent of internal resources) SB T = 22.7287, U = 90.8123
ST(WATER) BOD emissions (kg per capita per day)d1 SB T = 0.0090, U = 0.0146
ST(WATER) Phosphorous concentration (mg per liter of water) SB T = 0.1764, U = 0.6700
ST(WATER) Metals concentration (micro-Siemens per centimeter) SB T = 438.8, U = 2,247.4
RE(WATER) Public wastewater treatment plants (percent of population connected) LB υ = 0, τ = 86.64
PR(BIOD) Threatened mammals (percentage) SB T = 0, U = 35.46
PR(BIOD) Threatened birds (percentage) SB T = 0, U = 33.16
PR(BIOD) Threatened plants (percentage) SB T = 0, U = 8.45
PR(BIOD) Threatened fishes (percentage) SB T = 0, U = 55.10
PR(BIOD) Threatened amphibians (percentage) SB T = 0, U = 20.72
PR(BIOD) Threatened reptiles (percentage) SB T = 0, U = 20.75
ST(BIOD) Desertification of land (percent of dryland area) SB T = 0, U = 100
ST(BIOD) Forest area (percent of what existed in 2000) LB υ = 0, τ = 100
RE(BIOD) Forest change (annual rate) LB υ = -0.0690, τ = 0.0257
RE(BIOD) Protected area (percent of total land area) LB υ = 0.2592, τ = 53.7527
PR(AIR) Ozone depleting substances (metric tons per capita) SB T = 0, U = 0.1475
PR(AIR) Greenhouse gas emissions (tons of CO2 equivalent per capita) SB T = 0.0057, U = 0.0368
ST(AIR) Mortality from poor air quality (deaths per 100,000 population) SB T = 12.8, U = 1,805.2
ST(AIR) Urban NO2 concentration (mg/m3 of air) SB T = 18.20, U = 109.16
ST(AIR) Urban SO2 concentration (mg/m3 of air) SB T = 1.33, U = 97.07
ST(AIR) Urban TSP (total suspended particulates) concentration (mg/m3 of air) SB T = 18.92, U = 320.00
RE(AIR) Renewable energy production (percent of total primary energy supply) LB υ = 0, τ = 20
PR(POLICY) Military spending (percent of GDPd2) SB T = 1.5471, U = 8.4135
PR(POLICY) Refugees per capita (country of origin) SB T = 0.00025, U = 0.01000
PR(POLICY) Poverty (percent of population below national poverty line) SB T = 0, U = 29.6
ST(POLICY) Political rights (values in [1, 7])d3 SB T = 1, U = 3
ST(POLICY) Civil liberties (values in [1, 7])d3 SB T = 1, U = 3
ST(POLICY) Gini indexd4 SB T = 25.79, U = 50.00
ST(POLICY) Corruption Perceptions Index (values in [0, 10])d5 LB υ = 3, τ = 8
RE(POLICY) Environmental laws and enforcement (values in [0, 1])d6 LB υ = 0.1774, τ = 0.5974
RE(POLICY) Tax revenue (percent of GDP) LB υ = 9.4523, τ = 21.3757
PR(WEALTH) GDP implicit deflator (annual percent growth rate) SB T = 1.3221, U = 3.0871
PR(WEALTH) Imports (percent of GDP) SB T = 47.9642, U = 84.2983
PR(WEALTH) Unemployment (percent of total labor force) NB υ = 0.7, τ = 4.0, T = 7.0, U = 12.0
PR(WEALTH) Unemployment gender gap (percent) SB T = 0, U = 6.5
ST(WEALTH) Poverty (percent of population below national poverty line) SB T = 0, U = 29.6
ST(WEALTH) Central government debt (percent of GDP) SB T = 77.9, U = 176.2
ST(WEALTH) GNI per capita PPPd7 LB υ = 24,620, τ = 36,091
RE(WEALTH) Exports (percent of GDP) LB υ = 5.4856, τ = 50.3272
RE(WEALTH) Foreign direct investment (percent of GDP) LB υ = -2.8982, τ = 3.3123
PR(HEALTH) Mortality from poor air quality (deaths per 100,000 population) SB T = 12.8, U = 1,805.2
PR(HEALTH) Infant mortality rate (deaths per thousand) SB T = 2.63, U = 98.20
PR(HEALTH) Maternal mortality rate (deaths per 100,000 live births) SB T = 6.83, U = 690.00
PR(HEALTH) HIV/AIDS prevalence rate (percent of population aged 15-49) SB T = 0, U = 1.8
PR(HEALTH) Tuberculosis prevalence rate (per 100,000 population) SB T = 0, U = 993
PR(HEALTH) Malaria cases (per thousand people) SB T = 0, U = 0.0012
ST(HEALTH) Life expectancy (years) LB υ = 47.7764, τ = 80.9659
ST(HEALTH) Immunization against measles (percent of population) LB υ = 76, τ = 100
ST(HEALTH) Immunization against DPT (percent of population)d8 LB υ = 83, τ = 100
ST(HEALTH) Daily per capita calorie supply LB υ = 1,604, τ = 3,486
RE(HEALTH) Number of doctors (per thousand people) LB υ = 0.0080, τ = 3.7843
RE(HEALTH) Hospital beds (per thousand people) LB υ = 0.1000, τ = 3.1767
RE(HEALTH) Public health expenditure (percent of GDP) LB υ = 0.2589, τ = 8.2798
RE(HEALTH) Access to improved water sources (percent of population) LB υ = 40, τ = 100
RE(HEALTH) Access to improved sanitation (percent of population) LB υ = 9, τ = 100
PR(KNOW) Primary education ratio of students to teaching staff SB T = 12.8785, U = 76.0736
PR(KNOW) Secondary education ratio of students to teaching staff SB T = 10.9696, U = 66.8171
PR(KNOW) Tertiary education ratio of students to teaching staff SB T = 14.88, U = 45.50
ST(KNOW) Male expected years of schooling LB υ = 5.8829, τ = 12.0000
ST(KNOW) Female expected years of schooling LB υ = 4.0826, τ = 12.0000
ST(KNOW) Primary net school enrollment (percent of children) LB υ = 33.0700, τ = 98.2542
ST(KNOW) Secondary net school enrollment (percent of children) LB υ = 8.70, τ = 93.16
ST(KNOW) Literacy rate (percent of population) LB υ = 28.6724, τ = 100
ST(KNOW) Knowledge Economy Index (KEI; values in [0, 10])d9 LB υ = 4.07, τ = 8.61
RE(KNOW) Public expenditure on research and development (percent of GDP) LB υ = 0, τ = 2.2627
RE(KNOW) Public expenditure on education (percent of GDP) LB υ = 1.2291, τ = 5.8321
RE(KNOW) Personal computers (per thousand people) LB υ = 0, τ = 406
RE(KNOW) Internet users (per hundred people) LB υ = 0.26, τ = 78.11
RE(KNOW) Expenditure on information and communication (percent of GDP) LB υ = 0, τ = 5.6465
