The normalized basic indicators are fuzzified using three fuzzy sets with linguistic values:
- Weak (W),
- Medium (M), and
- Strong (S).
For composite indicators (primary, secondary, and tertiary components) five linguistic values are used:
- Very Bad (VB),
- Bad (B),
- Average (A),
- Good (G), and
- Very Good (VG).
The overall sustainability is measured using nine fuzzy sets:
- Extremely Low (EL),
- Very Low (VL),
- Low (L),
- Fairly Low (FL),
- Intermediate (I),
- Fairly High (FH),
- High (H),
- Very High (VH), and
- Extremely High (EH).
Each indicator value x belongs to one or more fuzzy sets with certain membership grades. For simplicity, triangular membership functions µ(x) are used, as shown in Fig. 6. For example, in 2002, 13.7% of the mammal species in Greece were endangered. The target value for this indicator is T = τ = 0% and the upper threshold of unsustainable values is U = 35.5%. The normalized value for this indicator is x = (13.7 – 35.5)/(0 – 35.5) = 0.614. As shown in Fig. 6a, this value belongs to the fuzzy set Medium with membership grade µM(0.614) = 0.965 and to the fuzzy set Strong with grade µS(0.614) = 0.035.